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Step-by-Step Guide: How to Become Digital Marketer

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Become Digital Marketer

Wondering how to become digital marketer? In this guide, we’ll break down the essential steps to launch your career in the constantly growing field of digital marketing. You’ll learn about mastering core skills, understanding the digital landscape, acquiring...

Local Plumber Case Study

Local Plumber Case Study

In today's competitive digital landscape, establishing a strong online presence is crucial for any business. This case study showcases the journey of a local plumbing company that sought to enhance its visibility and attract more customers through strategic SEO...

Travel and Tourism SEO Case Study

Travel and Tourism SEO Case Study

In this detailed case study, we're excited to showcase how our Managed SEO Service propelled a travel and tourism website to the forefront of Google's first page. Let’s dive in and see how we achieved this remarkable success. Background At the heart of our story is a...

Digital Marketing

How to Leverage Interactive Content for Marketing

How to Leverage Interactive Content for Marketing

Are you looking to boost the online engagement of your brand? Interactive content can assist in rejuvenating your online presence and improve your overall marketing strategy. Using interactive marketing content helps keep the audience you have engaged and draws more...

Surfer SEO Review: Features, Pricing and Comparison

Surfer SEO Review: Features, Pricing and Comparison

It would be fair to assume that Search Engine Optimisation, aka, SEO, is the most crucial aspect of digital content marketing. In a modern marketing era where everyone is trying to outrank their competition on the search engine result page, SEO is the “IT” factor that...

SEO Content: The Ultimate Guide

SEO Content: The Ultimate Guide

In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, mastering SEO content remains a key driver for achieving online visibility and success. As search engines continually update their algorithms – with recent shifts emphasising user experience and mobile optimisation –...

SEO Tips – How To Increase Organic Traffic

SEO Tips – How To Increase Organic Traffic

SEO or Search Engine Optimisation is an approach to search engine strategy that allows you to improve your ranking on the web. SEO consist of a series of techniques or tools that help enhance traffic to your website to attract more potential customers. Over time these...

Business News

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Tips For Creating Your Own Freelance Opportunities

Tips For Creating Your Own Freelance Opportunities

Whether you specialise in graphic design, copywriting, photography, web design, digital marketing or any other freelance work, nowadays, it is possible to seek out as well as create your own freelance opportunities. The freelance domain is more varied and bigger than...

NOT Hating The Hired {DIGITAL} Help – 8 Questions You Should Ask

NOT Hating The Hired {DIGITAL} Help – 8 Questions You Should Ask

Vertigo Studio started out as a specialist boutique design agency but has evolved into a full-service digital agency. As we assist an increasing number of organisations with their websites and general online marketing, one consistent surprising theme has emerged: the...

Digital Ubiquity

Digital Ubiquity

Anyone could be forgiven for thinking that the world that we know it is coming to an end... but not for the reasons apparent. Yes, the economy is getting worse, planes are dropping out of the sky, mother nature is sending whatever she can throw at us, and human nature...

Self Growth

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Tips To Improved Productivity When Working From Home

Tips To Improved Productivity When Working From Home

The ability to work from home is a dream come true for many people. It helps cut down on travel expenses, the long hours in traffic, and enables one to spend more time with their family. As fun as it may sound, working from home presents new challenges as well....

How to Be a Great Listener

How to Be a Great Listener

Have you ever missed out on what a person was saying because you were thinking of the best way to respond to them? Or fill in a blank when a person paused and what you filled in was very different from what they wanted to say? Or have you ever asked someone to repeat...

How To Avoid Anxiety While Keeping Up With Social Media

How To Avoid Anxiety While Keeping Up With Social Media

Most people use social media to grow their brands on platforms such as Instagram. However, for other people, social media is intimidating, frustrating and often a source of anxiety. Social media isn’t as bad as most people claim. It’s actually a great place to share...

How To Talk About Yourself

How To Talk About Yourself

To sell something, you have to talk about yourself. Some people find it easy to talk about themselves. However, for others, it is a daunting task. Explaining what you do and how you can help a person you just met is not supposed to be easy. And even if talking about...

I love to reflect on many things related to digital marketing, and freelancing with my viewpoints and experience. Get your dose of the perhaps useful information below.

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