In this day and age, digital marketing is absolutely vital. Thanks to smart devices, potential customers are spending a significant amount of time online. Digital marketing is essential if you want to keep up with your competitors. If you’re the owner of a small business, internet marketing may feel overwhelming. Thankfully, these five digital marketing techniques can lead any type of business owner to success.
5 Steps to a Powerful Digital Marketing Strategy
Based on a study conducted by the Smart Insights related to Managing Digital Marketing, approximately 46% of brands and businesses do not have any solid plan and strategy on digital marketing. The other 16% of those brands may have a strategy but haven’t implemented it yet into their marketing plans. Let me ask you a question: if you don’t have any strategy in the first place, how can you expect your business to grow, get known out there, and innovate? How will your brand be able to measure results, make mistakes and learn from them?
Today is the best time to stop panicking and start working on a plan that can bring your business to the top. Listed below are some of the most essential steps that every business owner and/or decision-maker should do to make sure that their digital marketing strategies can create an effect and impact on your business.
1. Set Attainable Goals
If you want your business to grow, you’re going to have to set goals for your company. Whether you’re trying to draw in more customers or increase your sales numbers, you’ll want to set solid goals that you’ll be able to achieve. If you’re working towards an attainable goal, your chances of success will increase dramatically. Internet marketing is essential if you want your business to thrive. However, if you’re not working towards anything specific, you’re not going to make a lot of processes. Strategies are an important component of digital marketing. Make sure you know what to work towards.
2. Focus On Marketing Funnels
Marketing funnels should be a part of any digital marketing strategy. What is a marketing funnel? It’s a map of a customer’s journey. It starts to when the customer knows nothing of your business, continues on to the point at which they become a lead, and moves on to the strategies that will convert that individual into a customer. Calls to actions, offers, and opt-ins can all be components of a funnel. It’s wise to break your marketing funnel up into four parts. The funnel starts with Awareness, continues on to Interest, builds to Desire, and ends with Action.

Awareness occurs at the moment a prospective customer becomes aware of your product or service. Even though the customer is still a stranger to you, they know that your business exists. They’re searching for something. You’ll want to show them that you can provide the thing that they’re looking for. A strong call-to-action or a lead magnet is a perfect choice here. You should connect the customer with a resource that’s related to the product or service that they’re interested in. In exchange, you can ask them to provide you with useful information, like their email address and phone number. Learn more about the customer, and get the information you need to follow up on that lead.
When a customer hits the interest stage, they are actively showing interest in one of the products or services that your business provides. At this stage of the game, you’ve already provided them with information. Thanks to your lead magnet or call-to-action, you already have some of their information. You have their interest, and you should follow up on that. Provide them with additional information that is tailored towards their needs. If you show a prospective customer that you’ve learned more about them, you’ll be able to demonstrate to them that you’re attentive. If you show them that you can meet their needs, their interest levels will increase.
When you reach the Desire stage, the customer will be interested in a specific product or service that you offer. They’ve found something that they’re genuinely interested in. At this point, you should reach out to them with an email or a call-to-action. Ask them if they’d be interested in scheduling a consultation with you. You may also want to tell them more about the product or service that you’re offering. Let them know why this product or service is a good fit for them.
When a customer hits the Action stage, they’ve taken a step towards making a purchase. At this point, you’ll be able to convert a prospective customer into a lead. You’ve already provided them with useful information, demonstrated that you consider your customer needs, and show them that you have something to offer them. From there, the only things left to discuss are subjects like cost, payment, and other aspects of your product or service that might be relevant to them.
If you have a strong marketing funnel (check Neil Patel video above), you won’t just generate more leads. You’ll also be able to take an ordinary lead and convert them into a repeat customer. If a customer has an excellent experience with you, there’s a good chance that they’ll buy from you again. They may even tell other people about your business! While developing a marketing funnel can take a lot of work, it’s definitely worth the extra effort. Below, you’ll see a break down of various aspects of a marketing funnel. Use that information so that you can put together a strong funnel.
3. Create A Call-To-Action
A call-to-action should be a part of your marketing funnel. However, you won’t be able to create a call-to-action unless you take the time to learn what a call-to-action is. In a nutshell, a call-to-action consists of words or an image that encourages visitors to take action. A call-to-action might ask someone to sign up for a mailing list or watch a webinar. The call-to-action should direct visitors to a landing page that offers them some sort of incentive in exchange for their contact information. If a call-to-action is effective, you’ll see an increase in both leads and conversions. Clicking a call-to-action and arriving on a landing page is the ideal lead generation path. If you want to boost your visitor-to-lead conversion opportunities, you’re going to have to create a number of calls-to-action, optimise them, and distribute them across the web. Ideally, your call-to-action should catch a prospective customer’s attention and guide them down to the next step of your marketing funnel.
4. Developing An Effective Lead Magnet
You can use a lead magnet on its own or combine it with a call-to-action. This can be a component of your marketing funnel, and it can also move prospective customers towards your funnel. You can offer visitors something that is related to the product or the service that they’re looking for. You can use your offers to gather additional information about a prospective customer while moving them further into your funnel. This can turn a stranger into a high-quality lead that is likely to purchase your product or service. The key concept behind a lead magnet is an information trade. You can offer them something like a free e-book or webinar. However, the customer won’t be able to take advantage of that offer unless they complete a form that provides you with additional information. That information can help you determine how you should interact with them as they move further into your funnel.
5. Increasing Traffic
You won’t be able to drive people towards your marketing funnel unless your website is drawing in traffic. Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to increase the traffic your site receives. Some of the best methods include:
Effective Keywords: You should place keywords related to your product or service in your content. An effective keyword strategy will cause your site to show up in more search results, which will lead to an increase in search traffic.
High-Quality Content: Make a point of creating valuable content that advertises your products or services. Place this content on authority websites, and include links to your website within the content. Doing this will help you to build a brand, and it will also bring even more traffic to your site.
Social Media: Social media posts allow you to engage with your customers in a positive way. Make sure you use pictures, videos, and other types of media in your post.
Site Optimisation: No one wants to spend time on a site that isn’t functioning properly. Go over your site and make sure it’s running perfectly.
Five Digital Marketing Strategies That Will Deliver Results
As a small business owner, you shouldn’t be wasting your time on convoluted marketing funnels. Chatbots probably aren’t going to work for you. A/B split tests aren’t worth the effort.
Instead, you’ll want to focus on digital marketing strategies that will deliver the results you’re looking for. Below, you’ll find information on five of the most effective strategies and how you can make these marketing techniques work for you.
SEO Blogging
There’s more to a blog than simply writing about what you do every day. If you’re just doing that, then you’re keeping a diary.
You can’t approach blogging in that way if you want to attract an audience for your business blog.
What should you be blogging about?
You’ll want to provide potential customers to solutions for the problems they’re dealing with.
For example, if you’re an online seller of computer parts, your customers might be searching for answers to these kinds of questions:
- How can I build a computer myself?
- Why is my computer running slowly?
- How can I speed my computer up?
If you use Ahrefs Keywords Explorer and enter those keywords, you’ll find that thousands of people are searching for these kinds of things monthly.
Thankfully, you can answer these questions and provide solutions to these issues while promoting the products you sell in your store.
If a computer is slow, it might need more RAM or a better hard drive. Talk readers through the issue and help them find a solution. Showcase products you sell that will help them solve these problems.
You can do the same thing for people that want to know how to build their own computer. You can create a guide and suggest parts that they can purchase.
While computer parts were used as an example here, this is a strategy you can use in virtually any industry.
If you sell real estate, you shouldn’t write blog about industry news. That’s not what prospective clients care about! Instead, you should be writing about topics they might be searching for, such as:
- Tips for first-time homebuyers
- What kind of credit score do I need for a home loan?
- How much money do you need to invest in real estate?
These kinds of topics will appeal to a wide audience.
More importantly, these are topics that will appeal to people that are interested in the kinds of services you offer. People searching for these things are people that are ready to buy a home.
Video Marketing
In recent years, visual content has skyrocketed in popularity. Video content is the most popular form of visual content.
These days, people consuming content are more interested in video content than other types of visual content. According to recent research, approximately 87% of digital marketers utilise video content in some way.
Sites like YouTube attract a huge audience. Of course, no matter where your videos are shared, you won’t get anyone watching if you don’t create interesting content.
It’s becoming more common to see personalized videos lately. Many videos strive to address the pain points of the target audience. Taking a more personal approach lets people see the human side of your business.
You could give viewers a look at what goes on behind the scenes at your business. You could showcase testimonials from customers. One of the biggest trends in video marketing is storytelling, and this is a trend you won’t want to ignore.
If you’re able to provide solutions for your customer’s pain points and tell an interesting story at the same time, you’re sure to find success.
Ideally, you should keep your videos on the shorter side. Have a lot to say? Try a series of videos instead. People don’t always have long attention spans. You’ll want to sum up your story and tell it quickly while still providing a hook that will catch people’s attention.
Social Media Marketing
It’s likely that you’ve already shared content on social media. Is there anything that you can do to improve your social media strategies going forward?
Forbes suggests using a variety of strategies to catch the attention of modern audiences. For example, you may want to use automation tools like Hootsuite so that you can schedule posts at the times when your audience is most active.
Curating content can also help to build influence. You shouldn’t be afraid of doing this! It can help you to form positive relationships. It’s also a way to establish your brand and showcase your expertise.
You may want to work with influencers to create content for you on major social media platforms.
Email Marketing
It’s likely that you’ve used email marketing at one point or another. However, your current strategies might not be reaching your targets at the appropriate times. Email marketing can be an effective way to boost sales and conversion rates. It’s also better at generating leads than virtually any other marketing method.
Email marketing is also cost-effective. Focus your attention here if you’re currently spending too much on digital marketing. In fact, if you’re not outsourcing, email marketing can be free.
It can also be used in tandem with other types of media. It’s a highly effective way to integrate your marketing. You can use some sort of referral reward system and even use social share icons. When you pair email marketing with high-quality content, you’ll see big results.
You can market your business via podcasts in two different ways.
You can either create a podcast of your own or appear as a guest on someone else’s podcast.
A podcast can do a lot for your brand and can help you to build an audience. With that said, finding an audience for a podcast can take time. Beyond that, you’ll need equipment and connections in the industry if you want your podcast to be a success.
However, appearing on a podcast should be a lot easier.
The people that host podcasts are always looking for guests or people that they can sit down for an interview. Even if you’re not famous, there are plenty of podcasts that would love to have you as a guest. If you have online or offline experience in the industry, and you want to share your experience, you’d make a great podcast guest.
These digital marketing strategies may be simple, but they’re very effective. If you try them out, you’ll see that they can have a huge impact. If you’re trying to grow your business, you should absolutely be focusing on digital marketing.
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